Research Projects

Project Proposals

Running Projects

DISIC - Digital Technologies for Secure Immersive Communication
Rozinaj Gregor (coordinator), 09I05-03-V2 Call to support research projects focused on digitalization of the economy in TRL levels 1-3

NEXT - Digital Transformations for Supporting Next-Generation Labour
Rozinaj Gregor (coordinator), ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2, ID: 101129022 (internal reference number: SEP-210929620) (FEI No: ....)(2023-2026)

EULiST - European Universities Alliance: European Universities Linking Society and Technology
Rozinaj Gregor (Task coordinator), ERASMUS+, EUI - European Universities Initiative (2023-2026)

CYB-FUT - Cybersecurity for the Future
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), ERASMUS+, CZ01 - Dům zahraniční spolupráce (DZS) Centre for International Cooperation in Education in Czech Republic (FEI No: ....)(2023-2025)

InteRViR - Integration od Real and Virtual World in Mixed Reality Environment (InteRViR - Integrácia reálneho a virtuálneho sveta v prostredí zmiešanej reality)
Rozinaj Gregor, VEGA 1/0605/23, (FEI No: ...)(2023-2025)

Finished Projects

MonEd - Moderné trendy a nové technológie online vzdelávania v IKT študijných programoch v Európskom vzdelávacom priestore Moderné trendy a nové technológie online vzdelávania v IKT študijných programoch v Európskom vzdelávacom priestore
Rozinaj Gregor (principal coordinator), KEGA 015STU-4/2021, (FEI No: 1721/116725)(2021-2023)

OPII project: International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems - II. Stage, code ITMS:313021W404,
Rozinaj Gregor (key researcher), CE2 webpage (XI/2019-VI/2023)

VirTel - Virtual teleport (VirTel - Virtualny teleport)
Rozinaj Gregor, excelentny team STU, (FEI No: 1350)(2019-2021)

H2020 NEWTON - Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), H2020 ICT-20 2015 - Information and Communications Technologies, Technologies for better human learning and teaching, (FEI No: 5L05)(2016-2019)

MUFLON - Advanced Multimedia Services in the Environment of ICT Future Networks (Progresívne multimediálne služby v prostredí IKT sietí budúcnosti (future networks))
Rozinaj Gregor, APVV-0258-12, (FEI No: AK17)(2013-2016)

INOMET - Innovative of Multimedia Signal Processing Methods into Intelligent Systems and Services (INOMET - Inovatívne metódy spracovania multimediálnych signálov pre inteligentné systémy a služby)
Rozinaj Gregor, VEGA 1/0800/16, (FEI No: 1442)(2016-2018)

IMUROSA - Integration of Multimedia Signal Processing Methods into Multimodal Interface and Network Applications (Integrácia metód spracovania MUltimediálnych signálov do multimodálneho ROzhrania a Sieťových Aplikácií)
Rozinaj Gregor, VEGA 1/0708/13, (FEI No: 1494/115722)(2013-2015)

MINCA - "Multimedia Information and Communication Technolologies" Study Programme in English (Študijný program "Multimediálne informačné a komunikačné technológie" v anglickom jazyku)
Rozinaj Gregor (principal coordinator), KEGA 047STU-4/2013, (FEI No: 1721/116725)(2013-2015)

International center of excellence for research on intelligent and secure information and communications technologies and systems", ITMS 26240120039
ASFEU (2014-2015)

HBB-Next - Next-Generation Hybrid Broadcast Broadband (
Rozinaj Gregor (STU technical coordinator), Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP) proposal ICT Call 7, FP7-ICT-2011-7 - 287848, (FEI No: 5828) (2011-2014)

IMProVET – Innovative Methodology for Promising VET Areas

ASIMD - Audio-Speech Interface for Mobile Devices
Rozinaj Gregor, DAAD, (2010-2011)

Algorithms and Methods of Multimedia Signal Processing for Human Machine Interface
Rozinaj Gregor, VEGA 1/0718/09, (2009-2011)

PROMO - Prosody and Modification of Speech
Rozinaj Gregor, APVV LPP-078-06, (2007-2010)

MENIS - Measurement and Processing of Low-level ECG Signals by Non-invasive Method
Rozinaj Gregor, APVV LPP-065-06, (2007-2010)

CEEPUS - Telecommunications
Rozinaj Gregor, CII-HU-0008-01-0607-M-10804, (2006-2008)

IQ Kiosk - Intelligent Terminal
Rozinaj Gregor, AV 4/0020/07, (2007-2009)

Nonlinear Processing of Multimedia and Biomedical Signals in Telecommunications
Rozinaj Gregor, VEGA 1/3110/06, (2006-2008)

Measurement and Diagnostics of Speech Signal Prosody
Rozinaj Gregor, AV 123/06, (2006-2008)

Analysis and Processing of Low-level ECG Signals with Diagnostics in Practice
Rozinaj Gregor, VTP 18/2004 (2004-2006)

The Intelligent Speech Communication Interface, State Program of the Research and Development - Building of the Information Society
Rozinaj Gregor (university coordinator), 2003 SP 20 028 01 03 (2003-2006)

Audio, Video and Biomedical Signal Processing Using Non-Standard Forms of DSP Algorithms
Rozinaj Gregor VEGA 0147/2003 (2003-2006)

Virtual Reality of Multimedia Speech Synthesis
Rozinaj Gregor VTP 1003/2003 (2003-2006)

Project Proposals (not financed)

GaSViC2 - Gaussian Splatting based Virtual Conferencing and Collaboration
Rozinaj Gregor (coordinator), Horizon Europe - CORTEX2 Open Call #2, ID: nº 101070192 (

ExpOrt - Experience-based Multimedia Services for on-line Communications and Virtual Teleport (ExpOrt - Zážitkové multimediálne služby pre on-line komunikáciu a virtuálny teleport)
Rozinaj Gregor, APVV-20-0262, (FEI No: ....)(2021-2024)

H2020 FedVR-Learn - A VR-based Learning Federation of AI-assisted Virtual Labs
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020 - FET Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies (2021-2024)

ProTOVideo - Processing and Transmission of Omnidirectional 3D Video (ProTOVideo - Spracovanie a prenos všesmerového stereo videa)
Rozinaj Gregor, APVV-19-0449, (FEI No: ....)(2020-2023)

LaMutra - Processing and Transmission of Bulky Multimedia Signals for Telereality (LaMutra - Spracovanie a prenos velkokapacitnych multimediálnych signálov pre telerealitu)
Rozinaj Gregor, VEGA 1/0763/20, (FEI No: ...)(2020-2022)

TeleWin - Telereality within 5G Network (Telerealita v prostredí 5G sietí)
Rozinaj Gregor, APVV-18-0490, (FEI No: ....)(2019-2022)

MULAT - Multimedia Processing and Multimedia Services in 5G/6G Networks (MULAT - Spracovanie multimedií a multimediálne služby v prostredí 5G/6G sietí)
Rozinaj Gregor, VEGA 1/0811/19, (FEI No: ...)(2019-2021)

MoonLite - Modern Forms of Online Education using New Technologies in ICT Study Programs in Europe (Moderné formy online vzdelávania s využitím nových technológií v IKT študijných programoch v Európe)
Rozinaj Gregor (principal coordinator), KEGA 031STU-4/2019, (FEI No: ...)(2019-2021)

ViReal - VR Multimedia Data Processing and Transmission in the 5G Network Environment (Spracovanie a prenos multimediálnych dat virtuálnej reality v prostredí 5G siete)
Rozinaj Gregor, APVV-16-0408, (FEI No: ....)(2017-2020)

H2020 Y4STEM - Youth for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), H2020-SEAC-2015-1 - Coordination & support action, SEAC-1-2015, Prop. No.: 710775 (2017-2020)

H2020 MultILearNet - Multisensory-enhanced Innovative Learning Network
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), H2020 ICT-24 2016 - Information and Communications Technologies, Technologies for better human learning and teaching (2017-2019)

EDICTS - Innovation of the Educational Process with On-line Access based on Student Centric Model and Augmented Reality in Study Programmes Oriented to ICT in European Space (EDICTS - Inovácia vzdelávacieho procesu s využitím online prístupu na báze student centric modelu a rozšírenej reality v študijných programoch zameraných na IKT v európskom priestore)
Rozinaj Gregor (principal coordinator), KEGA 049STU-4/2017, (FEI No: .... )(2017-2019)

EDICT - Innovation of the Educational Process with On-line Access based on Student Centric Model for Bc and MSc Study in Study Programme Telecommunications with Multilingual Support (EDICT- Inovácia procesu vzdelávania s využitím online prístupu na báze student centric modelu pre Bc a Ing štúdium v študijnom programe telekomunikácie s multilinguálnou podporou)
Rozinaj Gregor (principal coordinator), KEGA 029STU-4/2016, (FEI No: .... )(2016-2018)

H2020 MultILearNet - Multisensory-enhanced Innovative Learning Network
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), H2020 ICT-20 2015 - Information and Communications Technologies, Technologies for better human learning and teaching (2016-2018)

Digital Signal Processing for Fiber Optic Communication Networks, oc-2013-2-17342
Rozinaj Gregor (STU contact person), (2014-2018)

MultiNet - Multimedia Services in the Converged Future Networks Environment, APVV-0437-11
Rozinaj Gregor (principal coordinator), (2012-2014)

INCA - "Information and Communication Technolologies" Study Programme in English, KEGA 039STU-4/2012
Rozinaj Gregor (principal coordinator), (2012-2014)

The improving of digital competencies of teachers at the elementary and secondary schools with a focus on interactive boards by virtual learning portal, KEGA 024TTU-4/2012
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), (2012-2014)

FIDICE - Fast Internet Development in Central Europe
Rozinaj Gregor (STU coordinator), INTERREG IVB CE, 4th Call, (2012-2014)

FP7 NEWTON - Networked labs for training in wireless systems and communication
Rozinaj Gregor (FEI STU coordinator), Collaborative Project: Large-scale integrating project (IP) FP7-ICT-2011.8.1 Technology-enhanced learning, (2012-2015)

CIP E4E - Europeana for Education
Rozinaj Gregor (FEI STU coordinator), ICT PSP fifth call for proposals 2011 Best Practice Network, (2012-2015)