Improvement of Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm from Speed Point of View
Digital Processing of Image and Speech Signals. Bratislava : FEI STU, 1997, pp. 58-64., 2nd International Workshop of Tempus-Telecomnet Project. Smolenice. Slovak Republic, 3.-5.2.1997
Digital Processing of Image and Speech Signals
2nd International Workshop of Tempus-Telecomnet Project. Smolenice. Slovak Republic, 3.-5.2.1997, Bratislava : FEI STU, 1997, 144 pp.
Evaluation of the Different Approaches of the Transform Coding Computation in Coder and Decoder
TEMPUS Telecomnet. Bratislava : FEI STU, 1997, pp. 120-123., 3rd International Workshop TEMPUS Telecomnet. Kosice. Slovak Republic, 2.9.1997
Start-End Point Detection of Speech Based on Cepstral and Energy Dispersions
ECS`97. Bratislava : STU, 1997, pp. 331-334.
Konferencia: 1st Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference. Bratislava. Slovak Republic, 4.-5.9.1997
Application of DCT without Multiplication in JPEG
, 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services. Budapest. Hungary, 27.-29.10.1997
The Far-End Speaker Detection in Line-Echo Cancellor
DSP '97. Proceedings of the Conference. Bratislava : SAV, 1997, pp. 259-262., 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Herlany. Slovak Republic, 3.-4.9.1997
Digital Signal Processing II (in Slovak)
Bratislava : FABER, 1997. 150 pp. ISBN 80-967503-5-6