High Resolution of the ECG Signal by Polynomial Approximation
In: Radioengineering. - ISSN 1210-2512. - Vol. 15, No. 1 (2006), s. 32-37
Development of Slovak GALAXY/VoiceXML Based Spoken Language Dialogue system to Retrieve Information from the Internet
In: INTERSPEECH 2006 : 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. Pittsburgh, USA, 17.-21.9.2006. - CD-Rom
Galaxy/Voice XML Based Spoken Slovak Dialogue System to Access ihe Internet
In: Workshop "Language-Enabled Educational Technology" and "Development and Evaluation of Robust Spoken Dialogue Systems" : Riva del Grada, Italy, 28.8.-1.9.2006. - , 2006
High Resolution of the Low-Level Signals of the ECG by Polynomial Approximation as Compensation for Signal Averaging
In: Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on TELEHEALTH : Banff, Canada, 3.-5.7.2006. - CD-Rom
The First Spoken Slovak Dialogue System Using Corpus Based TTS
In: IWSSIP 2006. 13th international Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing : Budapest, Hungary, 21.-23.9.2006. - Košice : Harlequin, 2006. - ISBN 80-89082-09-2. - S. 261-264
Design of an HNM System for Prosodic Modification of Slovak Speech
In: RTT 2006. Research in Telecommunication Technology : 7th International Conference. Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic, 11.-13.9.2006. - Brno : Brno University of Technology, 2006. - ISBN 80-214-3243-8. - S. 85-89
Speech Interface for Information Extraction from the Internet through Telephone Network
In: Acoustics 2006 : Proceedings. 33rd International acoustics conference. EAA symposium - Štrbské Pleso, 4.-6.10.2006. - Bratislava : Slovak Acoustical Society, 2006. - ISBN 80-228-1673-6. - S. 96-99
Design of Slovak Speech Databaze for Limited Domain TTS within an IVR System
In: Proceedings Elmar-2006 : 48th International Symposium Elmar-2006. Zadar, Croatia, 7.-9.6.2006. - Zadar (Chorvátska republika) : Croatian Society Electronics in Marine, 2006. - S. 159-162
Design of an HNM System for Prosodic Modification of Slovak Speech
In: Proceedings Elmar-2006 : 48th International Symposium Elmar-2006. Zadar, Croatia, 7.-9.6.2006. - Zadar (Chorvátska republika): Croatian Society Electronics in Marine, 2006. - S. 147-150
Spracovanie nízkoúrovn(ových signálov EKG
Č.v.odb. 26-27-9. Obh. 13.06.2006. - Bratislava: STU v Bratislave FEI, 2006. - 89 s. + Autoref. 2006, 20 s.